Health Dept. Cautions Cocain users in Alberta… Cocaine may be hazardous to your Health

WTF?!?! Are you serious? Who doesn’t know that? Oh wait, there’s more. Apparently some unscrupulous drug dealers (is there another kind) have cut the coke with a chemical that can result in an AIDS like immune problem so in response the health Dept. has asked that any cocaine users that develop a high fever report to a doctor at once. WHY? They did the drug, suffer the consequences. Fuck’em. Why the hell should non-druggie tax dollars go to help these screwballs? They’ve totally screwed up their immune systems, they’re euchred. Let ’em go. Do not collect $200 dollars. If you help them and cure them, or even treat them, the drug dealers won’t learn. Didn’t we learn anything from the uproar over the bank bail-out? It’s the same thing. The Drug Dealers have to learn to be responsible. If they kill their clients, they shouldn’t expect a handout. If they get it, what’s to prevent GM from asking for one? I ask you.

Published in: on November 29, 2008 at 12:32 am  Leave a Comment  
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Can we pay them to stay home?

So some brilliant liberal do-gooder has decided that students don’t get enough out of the publicly funded school system. Free education until the age of 18, access to sports programs, enrichment activities, field trips, guidance, one on one tutoring, subsidized lunches etc. just aren’t enough. No. Some students still don’t want to be in school. Hmmm, how can we fix that? Why don’t we pay them! I’m not kidding. A school in DC has decided that by paying kids to behave and to get good grades they’ll encourage kids to stay in school and to work harder at passing state and national tests. Here’s an idea. Do the opposite. Charge kids who don’t want to learn or won’t behave. You want to stay here, then we need some compensation for dealing with you. Yesterday I saw, once again, a student I’ve known for two years. When I first met him, he was in grade nine, and now, at age 16 (or 17) in “grade 11” he’s still trying to pass some of his grade nine classes. Sorry, did I say trying? He does NOTHING. And it’s not because he’s incapable, it’s because he doesn’t care, he doesn’t see the point. Why bother with school when you’re never going to work? If you can steal everything you need, what is the point. Here’s my solution. If you fail to submit any work in a course, or fail the same course twice, you are out for a period of one year. Try and get a job with three grade 9 credits, see how life treats you. Don’t want to work? Can’t get a job? See how long it takes before mommy and daddy get pissed you do nothing all day at home. Maybe the shock of being thrown out of the easy life of high school is all that’s needed to snap these wayward souls back to the fold. And if not, at least we’re free of them for a year.

Published in: on June 13, 2008 at 9:12 am  Comments (2)  
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Our Tax Dollars at Work

Glad to know that with all the violent crimes going on in this country (see Young Offenders Act…) that the Ontario Government has finally decided to tackle the worst criminals of all…. those that sell a perfectly legal product. Those who sell tobacco products now have to hide all such products either below the counter or behind doors. Customers may select their brand by flipping through a binder or book of images, and yes, this too must be kept out of site. Wow. Apparently Mr. McGuinty believes that most smokers are drawn to cigarettes because of the bright and colourful labels on the boxes (Oooo, I never thought about smoking, but look, those ones have RED on them!!!). Give it a rest. So, police will now be enforcing this wonderful law instead of tracking down actual criminals. Brilliant. Just waiting for this to happen in Ontario. The guy owns A SMOKE SHOP! It’s labeled as such. He has his windows blacked out. You can’t see in. If you enter the SMOKE SHOP, I think the decision to buy SMOKES has been made. Honestly, how stupid are those in power.

Ontarians, expect a hike to your Health Tax (that isn’t a tax) next year, as all the money from cigarette sales that formerly went to Health Care will be going straight to the Native Reserves. Which begs the question, who would even buy Mohawk Lights, they just come in a clear bag, no pretty red packaging (or collectible “This is what smoking will do to you pictures”. Personally, I’d pick the pregnancy pictures, then I’d be safe right?)

Published in: on June 11, 2008 at 6:08 am  Comments (1)  
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