G20 & G8

To the black clothed morons “protesting” the G20 gathering in Toronto, I have a question. What are you protesting? Starbucks? Tim Hortons? Ford? As far as I can see, you’ve broken windows of non-governmental companies and torched a couple Crown Vics. If you have a problem with those evil multinational corporations, you’re a bit early on Timmies (face it, being open in both Canada and the US isn’t multinational, anymore than Waterloo regional International airport is International because it has flights to Detroit or New York).
I don’t have a problem with protesters, if they are actually protesting and have a point to make. Go for it. And if you’re being abused, marginalized, or threatened by governmental agencies bent on destroying your right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (yes, that’s Yankee speak, occasionally they get something right) then by all means, target the physical representation of your oppression and torch a cop car. But if you believe, (as you obviously do) that you are in the right, and all it takes is for you to take a stand and the whole world will fall in behind you, take off your mask.
If you truly believe your actions are the correct actions, you have nothing to fear. If you are in the right, the world will rise up and protect you from fascist courts and police, and you will serve no jail time. So why the masks? Is it because you know your position isn’t rational or right? Or is it because you’re spoiled children, trying to get back at mom and dad by doing something destructive before you come home for dinner, and you don’t want to get caught.

Yeah, I thought so. Cowards.

Published in: on June 28, 2010 at 12:20 pm  Leave a Comment  

Scum sucking bastards at it again

No, not Bell Canada this time. The Lieberals and the Nude Democrats. Fucking lefties. For all those out there saying “The majority didn’t vote for the Conservatives” I’ve got news for you. The Majority hasn’t voted in a government in 15 years. Chretien never had one, Martin sure as hell didn’t. So shove it. (in fact, the last government to win the popular vote was John Diefenbaker in 1958) In addition, I don’t believe a government has ever been formed by the second and third place parties when they didn’t have as many seats as the first place party. Why? Because it can’t work. The Conservatives have 143 seats, the SSBCPoLC (Scum Sucking Bastard Coalition of Leftist Canada) has 113. See the problem. How do they solve it, by getting the so trustworthy Separatist party of Quebec (Bloc for those who want me to use real titles instead of labels) to promise to not vote against them to bring them down until at least 2010.
Great, except what if Duceppe pulls a Dion and just doesn’t show up to vote on some motions? Boom. And that’s why a coalition government needs a majority. But now that Dion and Layton have revealed they would get into be with Duceppe, they’re fucked. The Canadian public won’t stand for it.
So am I upset? Not at all. I hope it goes through. And they waste $30 billion on “economic stimulus” (IE Liberal ad agencies in Quebec) and the economy plummets. Then next election, we’ll have a real majority and a real government. But unlike the Conservatives, who rebuilt after their terrible showing in 1993 the Lieberals and NDP will just fade away. Or, at least that’s what would happen in a perfect world. In this one, well, there’s still the loony left base in Toronto.

Published in: on December 2, 2008 at 4:58 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Health Dept. Cautions Cocain users in Alberta… Cocaine may be hazardous to your Health

WTF?!?! Are you serious? Who doesn’t know that? Oh wait, there’s more. Apparently some unscrupulous drug dealers (is there another kind) have cut the coke with a chemical that can result in an AIDS like immune problem so in response the health Dept. has asked that any cocaine users that develop a high fever report to a doctor at once. WHY? They did the drug, suffer the consequences. Fuck’em. Why the hell should non-druggie tax dollars go to help these screwballs? They’ve totally screwed up their immune systems, they’re euchred. Let ’em go. Do not collect $200 dollars. If you help them and cure them, or even treat them, the drug dealers won’t learn. Didn’t we learn anything from the uproar over the bank bail-out? It’s the same thing. The Drug Dealers have to learn to be responsible. If they kill their clients, they shouldn’t expect a handout. If they get it, what’s to prevent GM from asking for one? I ask you.

Published in: on November 29, 2008 at 12:32 am  Leave a Comment  
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It’s called ‘Black Monday’ for a reason

Yesterday was the day that American businesses get into the black and start making a profit. In New York, on Long Island and in Queen’s, its Black Monday for another reason. Because the family of a Wal-Mart employee are now faced with the unpleasant task of planning his funeral. That’s because of this that’s right, a guy was trampled to death by people who broke down the door of a wal-mart at 5AM in a rush for Christmas deals. In addition a pregnant woman and several others were injured. When Wal-Mart announced the store was being closed due to the death, many ‘customers’ (read: psycho fuckwads) complained, saying they’d been lined up since Thursday morning and deserved to shop.
Two comments; first, who the fuck are you buying christmas gifts for if you were sitting outside a Wal-mart for all of Thanksgiving? and second WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?!?!?!?!?
Now Canadian’s say “well, that’s the yanks for ya”. Well, I got news for you. We ain’t far off. Working at a Canadian Retailer who’s name I won’t mention (but they do sell TIRES), I was witness to Moonlight Madness (apt name were the sky not cloud covered that fateful night) which, once settled upon the normally simply rude and disrespectful customer base led to the pulling down of a shelf loaded with 199 piece socket sets, another shelf loaded with cordless drills, both of which landed on other customer’s heads, the punching in the face of an elderly woman who had grabbed the last deep fryer off the shelf (it was subsequently torn from her grip) and the most horrible of all, a LARGE man belly flopping onto a skid full of pressure washers. This most horrible, because I was the unfortunate assigned to reveal the pressure washers at 10 pm. Thankfully all those psychos were punished by long lines and an Elvis impersonator. That’s my rant, Christmas sucks, People suck, People at Christmas sales suck a lot. The End…. bah humbug. PS, if anyone sees a good price on an external hard disk, hook me up.

Published in: on November 29, 2008 at 12:25 am  Leave a Comment  
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Election Fever

It’s that time again boys and girls.  Time for the small percentage of us responsible citizens to get excited about the future, the changes that can be made with a new mandate and the wonderful possibilities that lay ahead for a Canada run by a responsible government.  And time for those of you that don’t fall into the above category to bitch about how all parties are the same, how it’s a waste of tax dollars and how you don’t care who wins anyways, but you’ll vote, because your mommy always votes liberal.  ARGH!.  Seriously, there should be a test on the ballot.  If you can’t name at the very least all the major party leaders (NDP, Conservatives, Liberals, and Bloc Quebecois) your ballot is spoilled.  I don’t get these people who complain when poller turnout is low (only 65%!). Good, that means that some of the dumbasses that don’t care and don’t know what their doing didn’t show up to pick a random name.  If you don’t follow the issues, you don’t get to have a say.  Simple as that, or at least it should be.  And for all you people who say “I’m afraid of harper, so I’m voting Liberal” have you looked at their leader lately.

As for the Greens getting into the debate, THEY DON’T HAVE AN ELECTED MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT.  The debates are too short as it is.  If she’s in, Duceppe should be out of the English debate.

Published in: on September 11, 2008 at 10:44 am  Leave a Comment  
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Tasers – What’s the big deal?

So, once again the CBC and leftist media is up in arms over tasers.  This time a 17 year old in Winnipeg was tasered by the “evil ones in blue”.  Comments on the CBC website are overwhelmingly condemning of the police, accusing them of being “murderers” and saying that they are worse than criminals.  THE KID HAD A FUCKING KNIFE!!!!!  He was breaking into cars, was followed by two concerned citizens who called the police and when confronted and ordered to submit to arrest pulled a knife on the cops.  In danger for their lives, they shot their taser at him.  What the hell do you expect them to do?  Knit him a sheath for the fucking knife?  If they had shot him the lefties would be screaming about unnecessary force. Honestly, what should they have done. If I have a device that is 99.5% non-lethal and someone coming at me with a device that is quite clearly lethal, I’m going to use mine first. His mother and her lawyer think it was racial profiling. HE WAS CAUGHT RED HANDED (no pun intended) HOW IS THAT PROFILING? Next we’ll have to let those with dynamite strapped to them in the form of a vest pass as it would be profiling to arrest or detain all people loaded with explosives. My best wishes to the officers involved in this case, may they be vindicated, promoted, have their tasers taken away, and shoot to kill next time.

Published in: on July 24, 2008 at 10:33 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Our Tax Dollars at Work

Glad to know that with all the violent crimes going on in this country (see Young Offenders Act…) that the Ontario Government has finally decided to tackle the worst criminals of all…. those that sell a perfectly legal product. Those who sell tobacco products now have to hide all such products either below the counter or behind doors. Customers may select their brand by flipping through a binder or book of images, and yes, this too must be kept out of site. Wow. Apparently Mr. McGuinty believes that most smokers are drawn to cigarettes because of the bright and colourful labels on the boxes (Oooo, I never thought about smoking, but look, those ones have RED on them!!!). Give it a rest. So, police will now be enforcing this wonderful law instead of tracking down actual criminals. Brilliant. Just waiting for this to happen in Ontario. The guy owns A SMOKE SHOP! It’s labeled as such. He has his windows blacked out. You can’t see in. If you enter the SMOKE SHOP, I think the decision to buy SMOKES has been made. Honestly, how stupid are those in power.

Ontarians, expect a hike to your Health Tax (that isn’t a tax) next year, as all the money from cigarette sales that formerly went to Health Care will be going straight to the Native Reserves. Which begs the question, who would even buy Mohawk Lights, they just come in a clear bag, no pretty red packaging (or collectible “This is what smoking will do to you pictures”. Personally, I’d pick the pregnancy pictures, then I’d be safe right?)

Published in: on June 11, 2008 at 6:08 am  Comments (1)  
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Why the young Offender’s act is a rotting pile of shit

Ok, here goes. My first post.
The Young Offender’s act is (for those who don’t know) a piece of left wing, bleeding heart legislation brought in by the Liberal government that prohibits the public from knowing the name of an offender under the age of 18. In addition, all records are sealed and once 18 and time is served, it is as if no crime was ever committed. The idea was to protect kids who make mistakes, and, in some cases, that’s fair. 10 year old steals a candy bar – no need for that to haunt him the rest of his days. So too with a 14 year old niner who gets into a fist fight and breaks some punk’s nose. But then you have psychos, those who premeditate and commit acts of utter horror that show a complete lack of respect and an inability to exist in a civilized environment. I present case A, two teens in Alberta who over the course of two nights, ransacked a family home (whilst the family was on vacation, there’s something to come home to) destroyed countless pieces of property and, to top it all off, microwaved to death the family cat, “Princess”. Not content with destroying an entire family’s sense of security, they painted on the walls “It’s in the Microwave” and “You had a nice cat”
don’t believe me: Read the Article here

I think that speaks for itself. I for one will be closely watching the news come the time these psychos are up for sentencing.

Now, that was terrible, and I honestly couldn’t believe that there could be much worse than that. But, (and I don’t know what the fuck is going on in the prairies these days, but what the hell?) leave it to Regina to top it. I think the headline from CBC is enough: Hearing underway for teen who shot ex-girlfriend in head. Excuse me what? So I read the article. And his lawyer (where do these people come from?) come up with; “Defence lawyer Jeff Deagle agreed, but argued his client has no criminal record and he has recently shown remorse for the shooting.” ummm, wow, he causes brain damage, she loses her eye, her life is ruined, but it’s supposed to be okay because he’s sorry and he’s learned his lesson. He’s 16, there shouldn’t be a lesson to learn here except that some human parents should take a hint from the animal kingdom and eat their young.
Ok, so back to the young offenders act. Since this latest prairie psycho was 16 when he shot a bullet into his girlfriend’s brain and caused her to lose an eye, his MAXIMUM punishment should he be tried as a youth, which, face it, in Canada, he probably will be, is, wait for it…… “As a youth, the teen would serve a maximuim of three years in custody.” Here it is!
So, what would I do you ask? (ok, so you don’t ask because you’re reading this and obviously, well, I’ve already written this so you couldn’t have asked me, but for the sake of argument let’s just say you did) For the cat nukers, a week in the stockades, outside the closest SPCA, with a sign round their necks explaining what they did. For a dollar donation to the SPCA those who wish can don a latex glove, fish a “kitty gift” from the sand box and hurl it at the little bastards.
As for Mr. I Can’t live without you so I’ll blow your head off, I’m a big fan of hangings. Cost effective, (really, what the hell is with the yanks sterilizing the needle before lethal injection, worried the guy will get AIDS?). But since we’re a bunch of wusses in this country, I think, what with Global Warming such a concern, specifically the difficulties of polar bears finding food with ice flows shrinking, send him up north for lunch.

Published in: on June 8, 2008 at 8:26 pm  Comments (2)