G20 & G8

To the black clothed morons “protesting” the G20 gathering in Toronto, I have a question. What are you protesting? Starbucks? Tim Hortons? Ford? As far as I can see, you’ve broken windows of non-governmental companies and torched a couple Crown Vics. If you have a problem with those evil multinational corporations, you’re a bit early on Timmies (face it, being open in both Canada and the US isn’t multinational, anymore than Waterloo regional International airport is International because it has flights to Detroit or New York).
I don’t have a problem with protesters, if they are actually protesting and have a point to make. Go for it. And if you’re being abused, marginalized, or threatened by governmental agencies bent on destroying your right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness (yes, that’s Yankee speak, occasionally they get something right) then by all means, target the physical representation of your oppression and torch a cop car. But if you believe, (as you obviously do) that you are in the right, and all it takes is for you to take a stand and the whole world will fall in behind you, take off your mask.
If you truly believe your actions are the correct actions, you have nothing to fear. If you are in the right, the world will rise up and protect you from fascist courts and police, and you will serve no jail time. So why the masks? Is it because you know your position isn’t rational or right? Or is it because you’re spoiled children, trying to get back at mom and dad by doing something destructive before you come home for dinner, and you don’t want to get caught.

Yeah, I thought so. Cowards.

Published in: on June 28, 2010 at 12:20 pm  Leave a Comment  

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