Scum sucking bastards at it again

No, not Bell Canada this time. The Lieberals and the Nude Democrats. Fucking lefties. For all those out there saying “The majority didn’t vote for the Conservatives” I’ve got news for you. The Majority hasn’t voted in a government in 15 years. Chretien never had one, Martin sure as hell didn’t. So shove it. (in fact, the last government to win the popular vote was John Diefenbaker in 1958) In addition, I don’t believe a government has ever been formed by the second and third place parties when they didn’t have as many seats as the first place party. Why? Because it can’t work. The Conservatives have 143 seats, the SSBCPoLC (Scum Sucking Bastard Coalition of Leftist Canada) has 113. See the problem. How do they solve it, by getting the so trustworthy Separatist party of Quebec (Bloc for those who want me to use real titles instead of labels) to promise to not vote against them to bring them down until at least 2010.
Great, except what if Duceppe pulls a Dion and just doesn’t show up to vote on some motions? Boom. And that’s why a coalition government needs a majority. But now that Dion and Layton have revealed they would get into be with Duceppe, they’re fucked. The Canadian public won’t stand for it.
So am I upset? Not at all. I hope it goes through. And they waste $30 billion on “economic stimulus” (IE Liberal ad agencies in Quebec) and the economy plummets. Then next election, we’ll have a real majority and a real government. But unlike the Conservatives, who rebuilt after their terrible showing in 1993 the Lieberals and NDP will just fade away. Or, at least that’s what would happen in a perfect world. In this one, well, there’s still the loony left base in Toronto.

Published in: on December 2, 2008 at 4:58 pm  Leave a Comment  
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Canadian Media King dies… and creepy shit happens.

Seriously, is this guy that powerful? For those that don’t know, since I moved in August I have benefited from FREE cable. Apparently Rogers Communications failed to disconnect it when the last people moved out. Well, today Ted Rogers died. And shortly afterward, my cable was cut off. Even dead the fucker can’t let a thing get past him. Be warned, as an omnipotent spirit the ghost of Ted Rogers will track you down and disconnect cable, destroy your descramblers, and rack up minutes on your cell phone. Be afraid, be very afraid. RIP Ted…. and leave us alone!

Published in: on December 2, 2008 at 4:40 pm  Comments (1)