Health Dept. Cautions Cocain users in Alberta… Cocaine may be hazardous to your Health

WTF?!?! Are you serious? Who doesn’t know that? Oh wait, there’s more. Apparently some unscrupulous drug dealers (is there another kind) have cut the coke with a chemical that can result in an AIDS like immune problem so in response the health Dept. has asked that any cocaine users that develop a high fever report to a doctor at once. WHY? They did the drug, suffer the consequences. Fuck’em. Why the hell should non-druggie tax dollars go to help these screwballs? They’ve totally screwed up their immune systems, they’re euchred. Let ’em go. Do not collect $200 dollars. If you help them and cure them, or even treat them, the drug dealers won’t learn. Didn’t we learn anything from the uproar over the bank bail-out? It’s the same thing. The Drug Dealers have to learn to be responsible. If they kill their clients, they shouldn’t expect a handout. If they get it, what’s to prevent GM from asking for one? I ask you.

Published in: on November 29, 2008 at 12:32 am  Leave a Comment  
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