Tasers – What’s the big deal?

So, once again the CBC and leftist media is up in arms over tasers.  This time a 17 year old in Winnipeg was tasered by the “evil ones in blue”.  Comments on the CBC website are overwhelmingly condemning of the police, accusing them of being “murderers” and saying that they are worse than criminals.  THE KID HAD A FUCKING KNIFE!!!!!  He was breaking into cars, was followed by two concerned citizens who called the police and when confronted and ordered to submit to arrest pulled a knife on the cops.  In danger for their lives, they shot their taser at him.  What the hell do you expect them to do?  Knit him a sheath for the fucking knife?  If they had shot him the lefties would be screaming about unnecessary force. Honestly, what should they have done. If I have a device that is 99.5% non-lethal and someone coming at me with a device that is quite clearly lethal, I’m going to use mine first. His mother and her lawyer think it was racial profiling. HE WAS CAUGHT RED HANDED (no pun intended) HOW IS THAT PROFILING? Next we’ll have to let those with dynamite strapped to them in the form of a vest pass as it would be profiling to arrest or detain all people loaded with explosives. My best wishes to the officers involved in this case, may they be vindicated, promoted, have their tasers taken away, and shoot to kill next time.

Published in: on July 24, 2008 at 10:33 pm  Leave a Comment  
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