Cat Nuking Bastards Update

The Court has delayed sentencing to allow time for a psych evaluation in the two inhuman pieces of shit that put Princess in a microwave for ten minutes.  I’ll evaluate them, G-Mote bay style.  Who’s got a water-board? Here’s an artist’s conception of the “evaluation”

Me, pouring water on piece of shit’s face – “Are you a piece of shit that doesn’t deserve to live?”

Him “Glub Glub”

Me still pouring water on piece of shit’s face – “What’s that?”

Him “Glub gluuuub cough sputter, shudder, silence”

Me “Oops, oh well, saved us a hundred bucks a day in taxes”

Published in: on July 30, 2008 at 9:52 pm  Leave a Comment  

Tasers – What’s the big deal?

So, once again the CBC and leftist media is up in arms over tasers.  This time a 17 year old in Winnipeg was tasered by the “evil ones in blue”.  Comments on the CBC website are overwhelmingly condemning of the police, accusing them of being “murderers” and saying that they are worse than criminals.  THE KID HAD A FUCKING KNIFE!!!!!  He was breaking into cars, was followed by two concerned citizens who called the police and when confronted and ordered to submit to arrest pulled a knife on the cops.  In danger for their lives, they shot their taser at him.  What the hell do you expect them to do?  Knit him a sheath for the fucking knife?  If they had shot him the lefties would be screaming about unnecessary force. Honestly, what should they have done. If I have a device that is 99.5% non-lethal and someone coming at me with a device that is quite clearly lethal, I’m going to use mine first. His mother and her lawyer think it was racial profiling. HE WAS CAUGHT RED HANDED (no pun intended) HOW IS THAT PROFILING? Next we’ll have to let those with dynamite strapped to them in the form of a vest pass as it would be profiling to arrest or detain all people loaded with explosives. My best wishes to the officers involved in this case, may they be vindicated, promoted, have their tasers taken away, and shoot to kill next time.

Published in: on July 24, 2008 at 10:33 pm  Leave a Comment  
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I’m Back

Ok, so I’ve been silent for a while, but this caught my attention. OPP head (and former police chief of London Ontario where he did great work, and Toronto Ontario where he did better work and still would be if Pinko commie no one actually voted for David Miller hadn’t fired him) Julian Fantino is getting flak for “threatening comments” directed at Shawn Brant in a released wire tapped conversation they had during the 401 blockade last year.

So here’s the situation.  A Blond haired hard done by “native” manages to get a small MINORITY of the memebers of the First Nations outside Deseronto to blockade the VIA rail line and the 401.  Commissioner Fantino calls him up.  What follows will be some exerpts from that conversation, followed by my commentary.

Julian Fantino: Commissioner Fantino calling how are ya
Shawn Brant: Hey Mister Fantino I’m fine how are you
Julian Fantino: I’m fine thank you Shawn we all wanna go to bed and call this quits so
what’s it gonna take to get ya to back off and and and and and work this issue through in
a way that we don’t have a potential for disaster
Shawn Brant: Well uh unfortunately um ya know and and I I know Chris knows but uh
um ya know I uh I I don’t really uh have uh the ability to speak uh for everybody um ya
know on uh

So, quite clearly a born leader.  Natural speaker, wonderful head on his shoulders. Four times they have pretty much the same exchange as what follows

Julian Fantino: Can we call it quits
Shawn Brant: Well I’ll tell ya what I uh I’d uh like to do I’d uh um I’m gonna grab a couple hours sleep and uh right now I’m I’m uh ya know my head’s a little uh I’ve been up for (inaudible) and I know you guys have been for a couple days and uh and uh I’ll tell ya what I will do is uh in the uh um in the morning uh I will uh I’ll uh broker your suggestion and uh and we’ll uh we’ll talk about it
Julian Fantino: Shawn (inaudible) can can I can I uh implore upon ya to do it now Shawn you can’t allow this to go on there’s there’s tens of thousands of people that are being fully inconvenienced here you’ve made your your point it’s on national television everybody’s talking about it uh you have been a star uh all day long ya ya you’ve got your your your uh your sound bites I mean Shawn there’s no advantage for ya to continue this there there’s all you’re gonna do is tear away uh whatever gains you’ve made an whatever uh whatever issues you’ve articulated we we understand about the poverty the deprivation the the the children’s suicide we know all of that nobody’s arguing with you on this

And here it comes, the terrible threat

Shawn Brant: Yeah
Julian Fantino: So I’ve talked to enough people now including a lot of people in in First Nations community they they are running for the hills because you’re you’re bringing them down you’re bringing them down the all the gains that that you’ve made over the years uh and and now the struggle is is starting to have some effect uh you’re destroying that because the message now is gone is gone from a cause to a vengeance a vindictive uh Shawn Brant is is is gonna bring Canada to it’s knees well you’re not gonna do it and and you’re gonna be hated for it and and your cause you can speak about children committing suicide all you want nobody is gonna listen to you because you’ve got no more credibility if you keep this up

Shawn Brant: Yeah
Julian Fantino: And you know what I don’t wanna I don’t wanna get on your bad side but you’re gonna force me to do everything I can within your community and everywhere else to destroy your reputation

Shawn Brant: Yeah
Julian Fantino: I don’t wanna do that I wanna help you deal with the suicides and whatever I’ve travelled to to uh to reserves uh I I know exactly what you’re talking about I’ve seen it I’ve been to Kashechewan and and some of these other places I’ve been there I’ve been involved in
Shawn Brant: Yeah

Yeah.  Yeah.  He seems real threatened at the time.  Following this exchange Fantino again pleads with Brant to call off the blockade and then agrees to talk to him again shortly.  Where’s the issue?  Seriously.  The NDP wants Fantino to resign over this?  Brant agreed that what he was doing was bringing his own people down.  You read it.  He said “yeah:” what a way with words by the way, did I mention that?  Can’t the NDP ride their bikes down to the reserve and fix all the problems instead of getting in the top cop’s ass for doing his job?  That’s it, nothing more to say.

Published in: on July 22, 2008 at 9:24 pm  Leave a Comment