Our Tax Dollars at Work

Glad to know that with all the violent crimes going on in this country (see Young Offenders Act…) that the Ontario Government has finally decided to tackle the worst criminals of all…. those that sell a perfectly legal product. Those who sell tobacco products now have to hide all such products either below the counter or behind doors. Customers may select their brand by flipping through a binder or book of images, and yes, this too must be kept out of site. Wow. Apparently Mr. McGuinty believes that most smokers are drawn to cigarettes because of the bright and colourful labels on the boxes (Oooo, I never thought about smoking, but look, those ones have RED on them!!!). Give it a rest. So, police will now be enforcing this wonderful law instead of tracking down actual criminals. Brilliant. Just waiting for this to happen in Ontario. The guy owns A SMOKE SHOP! It’s labeled as such. He has his windows blacked out. You can’t see in. If you enter the SMOKE SHOP, I think the decision to buy SMOKES has been made. Honestly, how stupid are those in power.

Ontarians, expect a hike to your Health Tax (that isn’t a tax) next year, as all the money from cigarette sales that formerly went to Health Care will be going straight to the Native Reserves. Which begs the question, who would even buy Mohawk Lights, they just come in a clear bag, no pretty red packaging (or collectible “This is what smoking will do to you pictures”. Personally, I’d pick the pregnancy pictures, then I’d be safe right?)

Published in: on June 11, 2008 at 6:08 am  Comments (1)  
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  1. Well what do you expect from Mr. McGinty. Bring back Mike Harris who went after the real criminals, those scamming the welfare system. They always have money for smokes and booze. If people want to smoke they will find a way. Last time I checked liquor and cigarettes were legal yet the people who use them are frowned on worse than the ones who smoke marijuana or use hard drugs. We keep paying this Ontario Health tax which doesn’t even go to health and lose health benefits for important things but the poor people who want a sex change can now get it free of charge. Don’t you love the Liberals!

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