Why the young Offender’s act is a rotting pile of shit

Ok, here goes. My first post.
The Young Offender’s act is (for those who don’t know) a piece of left wing, bleeding heart legislation brought in by the Liberal government that prohibits the public from knowing the name of an offender under the age of 18. In addition, all records are sealed and once 18 and time is served, it is as if no crime was ever committed. The idea was to protect kids who make mistakes, and, in some cases, that’s fair. 10 year old steals a candy bar – no need for that to haunt him the rest of his days. So too with a 14 year old niner who gets into a fist fight and breaks some punk’s nose. But then you have psychos, those who premeditate and commit acts of utter horror that show a complete lack of respect and an inability to exist in a civilized environment. I present case A, two teens in Alberta who over the course of two nights, ransacked a family home (whilst the family was on vacation, there’s something to come home to) destroyed countless pieces of property and, to top it all off, microwaved to death the family cat, “Princess”. Not content with destroying an entire family’s sense of security, they painted on the walls “It’s in the Microwave” and “You had a nice cat”
don’t believe me: Read the Article here

I think that speaks for itself. I for one will be closely watching the news come the time these psychos are up for sentencing.

Now, that was terrible, and I honestly couldn’t believe that there could be much worse than that. But, (and I don’t know what the fuck is going on in the prairies these days, but what the hell?) leave it to Regina to top it. I think the headline from CBC is enough: Hearing underway for teen who shot ex-girlfriend in head. Excuse me what? So I read the article. And his lawyer (where do these people come from?) come up with; “Defence lawyer Jeff Deagle agreed, but argued his client has no criminal record and he has recently shown remorse for the shooting.” ummm, wow, he causes brain damage, she loses her eye, her life is ruined, but it’s supposed to be okay because he’s sorry and he’s learned his lesson. He’s 16, there shouldn’t be a lesson to learn here except that some human parents should take a hint from the animal kingdom and eat their young.
Ok, so back to the young offenders act. Since this latest prairie psycho was 16 when he shot a bullet into his girlfriend’s brain and caused her to lose an eye, his MAXIMUM punishment should he be tried as a youth, which, face it, in Canada, he probably will be, is, wait for it…… “As a youth, the teen would serve a maximuim of three years in custody.” Here it is!
So, what would I do you ask? (ok, so you don’t ask because you’re reading this and obviously, well, I’ve already written this so you couldn’t have asked me, but for the sake of argument let’s just say you did) For the cat nukers, a week in the stockades, outside the closest SPCA, with a sign round their necks explaining what they did. For a dollar donation to the SPCA those who wish can don a latex glove, fish a “kitty gift” from the sand box and hurl it at the little bastards.
As for Mr. I Can’t live without you so I’ll blow your head off, I’m a big fan of hangings. Cost effective, (really, what the hell is with the yanks sterilizing the needle before lethal injection, worried the guy will get AIDS?). But since we’re a bunch of wusses in this country, I think, what with Global Warming such a concern, specifically the difficulties of polar bears finding food with ice flows shrinking, send him up north for lunch.

Published in: on June 8, 2008 at 8:26 pm  Comments (2)  

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2 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. eep. I would love to be there outside the SPCA, although frankly would be too grossed out to chuck any “gifts” myself (hi; cleaning out litter box= ordeal of senses)

  2. I think if they can do the crime they should do the time…obviously not for stealing chocolate bars but if they murder, rape, injure, steal cars etc. then they should be treated like adults (which in my mind is too lenient anyway). I would show up at the SPCA wearing rubber gloves…hell, I have a cat of my own and could bring my own shit to throw.

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